America's 1st Freedom

America’s 1st Freedom is dedicated to preserving our fundamental right to self-defense. With news on anti-gun schemes that affect our gun rights, plus the truth about legislative battles on Capitol Hill and the 50 states.

You Might Not Know This About Suppressors

As a doctor who is an authority on the topic, Timothy Wheeler has a lot to tell us about how inner-ear damage actually occurs.

California’s Surprise Attacks on Our Freedom

This interview with Dan Reid, NRA-ILA managing director of state and local affairs, covers a lot of the legal and legislative ground NRA members’ dues and contributions make possible.

How the Fight to Arm Pilots Was Won

Captain Phillip Beall, a pilot with a major commercial carrier for decades, was frustrated that a solution he had long advocated for had not been enacted. So, he called the NRA.

This Olympian Has Something Important to Say

Vincent Hancock has a lot to say, but most people just want to know how he accomplished all he has.

A Surprising Interview With the Owner of L.A. Progressive Shooters

Tom Nguyen is smack in the middle of a cultural divide that, if it can be successfully bridged, just might make this critical part of our freedom less partisan again.

I Defend the 2nd: John Rich

In addition to his success in the music world, John Rich has also unwaveringly supported the Second Amendment and the National Rifle Association.

The Frustrating Problem With Federal Gun Statistics

If the FBI would take so-called “gun-free zones” from the equation, they’d have to report that, when good citizens can go armed, they often do stop murderers.

I Defend The 2nd: Ronnie Barrett

For more than 150 years, the NRA has been at the forefront of the battle to preserve, protect and defend the Second Amendment. Today, we need your help to ensure that our great association continues to thrive.

Video: Biden Does Not Have the Guts to Hear This

Charles C.W. Cooke gets into what led him to write America's 1st Freedom's upcoming cover feature and explains why he has highlighted the points he has.

This Professor is Not Politically Correct

This is a perspective on the Second Amendment worth hearing.

Meet Robin Evans, an NRA-Certified Instructor the Mainstream Media Wouldn’t Know How to Write Off

Robin Evans straightforwardly says her mission is to help women “become their own first responders.”

Video: How Do We Teach More Young Americans About Their Freedom?

Jennifer A. Grossman has spent her career finding ways to teach America’s young adults about their freedom.

Video: NSSF’s Larry Keane Has Something to Say About Joe Biden and the ATF

As more than 50,000 employees of gun-related business gathered in Las Vegas for the SHOT Show, we sat down with Larry Keane, senior vice president and general counsel for the NSSF.

Video Interview: This Supreme Court Case Also Matters

In this video interview, Stephen Halbrook goes through what he heard at the hearing and discusses how this case could impact our Second Amendment-protected rights.

This Rabbi Understands the Importance of Self-Defense

More in the Jewish community are embracing their Second Amendment rights. As you’ll see in this important video, Rabbi Yossi Eilfort is at the forefront of this rush to freedom.

This is What Empowering Women Really Looks Like

With gun ownership on the rise throughout the nation, women are one huge demographic that has seen noticeable growth in this area. Such is why one NRA firearms instructor built a self-defense training company that caters exclusively to women.

Montana’s AG Explains Why NRA v. Vullo is a Critical Supreme Court Case

“Government should not be able to come in and act like the mafia,” says Montana Attorney General Knudsen.

Meet an Elementary School Teacher Who Uses Guns to Help Kids

John Annoni has used the law-abiding gun culture that so many of us know and enjoy to help inner-city youth for decades.

California Armed Citizen Has His Concealed-Carry Permit Taken Away After He Protected His Family

After a California man protected his family, he has been disarmed and left vulnerable.

This First Amendment Attack is Designed to Reduce Gun Ownership

Rob Wilson’s struggle to retain his American freedom is regional, but it says a lot about what is happening now in many areas of this nation.


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