NRA Regional Report
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Friends of NRA
Friends of NRA events celebrate American values with fun, fellowship and fundraising for The NRA Foundation. To learn more about events in your area, visit, contact your local field representative or send an email to [email protected].

Area Shoots
For more information, send an email to Shelly Kramer at [email protected] or call (703) 267-1459.

Law Enforcement
Public and private officers interested in becoming a law enforcement firearm instructors should attend one of NRA's Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Development Schools. NRA Police Pistol Combat competition and our Tactical Police Competition are intended to be used as an extension of an officer's training.

State Associations
Joining NRA-affiliated state associations supports NRA’s mission in your state. See for more information.

The NRA's Refuse To Be A Victim® program provides information on crime prevention and personal safety. To learn more about the program, visit

NRA Instructors
The most up-to-date seminar and instructor training schedule is available on the internet by visiting, or online training is available at Questions? email to [email protected]or call (800) 861-1166.

Gun Shows
Dates and locations of gun shows are subject to change. Please contact the show before traveling. Discounted NRA memberships are sold through NRA recruiters. Some shows may offer free admission to people who sign up for new memberships or renewals.

NRA Recruiting Programs
To become an NRA Recruiter contact NRA Recruiting Programs at [email protected].